Birthday Reflection

I've made it to 30 y'all! What a surreal feeling. So much has changed since exactly one year ago today. I feel like an entirely different person who has shed a very thick skin that was harboring deep rooted feelings of resentment, fear, guilt, shame, confusion & extreme unworthiness. I let those emotions fester in my body, run my mind & denied that I was making very unhealthy decisions for myself. Suppressing all of that literally brought me to my knees & I completely broke. I still tear up just thinking about how low I felt at that time. However, now I know that it was the emotional rock bottom that I needed to hit in order to WAKE THE FUCK UP & start making real lasting changes for myself. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over & over again & expecting different results". I finally understand the true meaning of this quote because repeating my own personal patterns absolutely made me go insane. I didn't even recognize myself anymore. Except now I am grateful for it because I survived, learned, faced the truth, gave it to a higher power, gained a support system & am now growing forward with a completely new foundation & heightened awareness. It's funny how you can do so much in your 20s only to have to completely undo it all in your 30s. At least that is my experience. Cheers to another full rotation around the sun. It's been a hell of a ride so far!
XOXO, BB 🥂💝♉️

Amy Halvorsen
Los Angeles based photographer

Roamin's Accident & Recovery Fund


The Power of Peridot